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Seattle Part 2

So last September (wow, what a long time ago), I told the first part of my trip to Washington. I got so busy with telling other stories and blogging about other things that I never got around to part 2 of my adventure to Washington. So now, 7 months later, y'all get part 2!

The group in the picture below was the group who went with me to Seattle. It was a leadership trip to learn more about the Bible, and these awesome people helped me out a lot. We're a quirky bunch with our own ideas, but we were able to become a cohesive group in just one week. And that's just the beginning of it.

This picture was taken at a lake on our last day, after the conferences were over and we'd done everything. The lake was our little retreat, per say, and we got to kayak, play sand volleyball, eat wonderful food, and relax. It was so much fun.

But before this picture was taken, there was a lot more that we did.

The entire week we were in Washington, our conference began at 8 in the morning and we usually didn't get done until 8 or 9 at night. Long days and longer nights. Getting up in the morning was terrible - especially for me, since I'm not a morning person - and the only thing that would wake me up was a big cup of coffee.

Every day held something new for us: guest speakers giving lessons, worship services, quiet times, prayer sessions, evangelizing trips, times to talk to others, and more. The conference was jam-packed with events and things for us to do. We were always busy.

The only times we had to relax were lunchtimes and times we had breaks. We were able to eat in a park that was close by the church we were having the conference at, so the walk to the park was a great way to relieve stress. We could play games in the park (another great way to meet new people) and have fun before we got back to the conference. It didn't feel like constant work, but at the end of the day we could all definitely feel the exhaustion of everything we did. However, I think all of us would agree it was worth it.

One of the most memorable moments of SICM was the friendships you made, not only with your group, but with students from other schools as well. I made friends with a girl from another Texas school, and we ended up both opening our lives to each other, praying together, crying together, and then hugging it out at the end. It was honestly so amazing. And most of the other people from my group experienced similar things.

Even though our days were so long, it didn't stop us from staying up late and sharing with one another. One of the first nights we were with our host family, the group of girls I was with began sitting around in our little living space and talking. We ended up talking for hours. They were pretty deep conversations too (yes, many tears were shed), and girls who don't usually open up, opened up that night. We felt even closer to one another after that, and it was a bond that wouldn't be so easily broken.

It is funny to see how we go on trips like these to be leaders when we ourselves are broken and need help. But that's kind of the point! We realize we need help, we need closure, and these trips are eye-opening for us. We make friendships, gain knowledge and wisdom, and begin applying what we know so we can begin mending ourselves. God works mysteriously this way.

And it wasn't just the girls who bonded with one another, either. There were guys there that I became even closer to, opened up to, and we shared life together. At the time, I had recently lost someone quite important to me, so going through the week with all the emotions I was having was a little difficult. But the day I opened up to my friend Kevin, it was so great. We ended up talking for an hour (missing an event on accident because we talked so long), and he opened up to me about someone he'd lost as well. It was definitely not what I expected, but it is something I take with me. Kevin and I got much closer after that, and funnily enough, two years later, we started dating. It's funny how one good moment can evolve into something greater.

The entire week was filled with moments like these. The group who went to SICM together became a stronger group of friends. Our hearts were opened up to the grace and glory of God that week, and it is something we all took back to Texas to share with the base groups we created in the fall semester. It wasn't easy at all. It was tough, filled with challenges, trials, breakdowns, and embracing who you are. At the end of the week, when we were at the lake, everyone seemed different. More complete and happier. Everyone - even through the exhaustion - were glowing with hope and encouragement.

It was one of the greatest trips of my life. Washington was beautiful, filled with natural beauty and man-made beauty, but the heart of that trip was with the leadership conference. I cannot tell you enough about what happened. This is just a brief overview of the massive amounts that happened and what I learned.

God can change your life so quickly. This trip gave me new friends, new relationships, new wisdom, and new hope. It was one for the books, and one trip I will never forget.

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