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It's Wrapping Up!

Thanksgiving recently ended, the madness of all the Black Friday sales and Cyber Monday deals have faded away, and's practically December 2018.

What a crazy thought! This year has zoomed right by and I cannot imagine how fast this last month is going to go. I've registered for my very last semester of college as an undergraduate. My job search is beginning already, I'm looking into adult jobs, and it's a bit surreal for me. I could swear I just started college, but here I am, about to finish my next to last semester. It's both really awesome and really terrifying!

Since it is time to wrap up the semester, the next 2 weeks are going to just suck. I've given encouraging speeches before about finals, ideas about how to survive and get through them...and they are still really great strategies. But guys, everyone is going to be saying, "Oh, finals aren't that bad. Get your sleep, study well, and organize your time. It's easy."

It's not easy. It's actually really hard.

Finals are terrible. You won't get sleep. Study habits will be frantic and you won't know what you're doing half the time. Organization? Getting everything done by 3-4 a.m. and managing to squeeze in a few hours to sleep is good organization during finals. The next few weeks will literally be some of the worst weeks ever.

But it's okay. It's all worth it. Think of how much effort you've put into these classes. How much you've put up with certain professors. Even how much you've dealt with crappy assignments, projects, papers, tests, and bad classmates. All of that will also be over in two weeks! The good, the bad, the ugly; they all end when finals do. You'll see the results of your hard work (a positive thing) and be rid of the things you hated about this semester.

I am so ready to be done with this one. It's been extremely hard and stressful. But guess what? I'm not stopping until I finish my very last final.

Then I'll probably sleep for three days straight or just be celebrating the end of my misery. Either one.

The cool thing I always love about the end of fall semester is that you get a completely new beginning before spring. You end finals, take a break, celebrate Christmas with family and friends, and then....

You bring in the New Year.

A fresh start. It always makes me hopeful and really happy. I've been told I get excited really easily, and that is really true, but I think it's a good thing sometimes. A relaxed ending to a long, stressful year is complete by washing away everything from the previous year and looking forward to something new, exciting, and wonderful.

It'll be 2019 in like 33 days. It's daunting right now, but guess how excited we'll be 2 weeks from now when we're out of school, on break, and not having to worry about tests? It's a great feeling!

It may seem ridiculous or something I'm too excited about, but it's something I look forward to. It's also motivation to keep going and finish out these last two weeks, because let me tell you, I have NOTHING left in my brain right now.

Find what gets you motivated. What are you looking forward to the most after you get through with this semester? Whatever it is, use it as a way to fuel you through the end, to wrap up this year nicely, and begin a new one with high spirits.

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